Tackled (Alpha Ballers #1)

I closed my eyes in bliss as my * got used to the deeper penetration this angle allowed us. I could feel my heavy breasts swinging in front his face, and every so often he’d raise his head up to suck on my nipples for a second, making me cry out softly each time. My hands moved to Drake’s chest for stability and I pressed down on his hard muscles, pushing my fingers into them as if to make myself believe they were really there.

When I opened my eyes I looked down on him watching me, his face placid yet intent. One of his hands was on my waist, guiding me as I raised and lowered myself onto his cock. With every press down he seemed to go deeper in to me, and each time I was moaning with pleasure. I tried to push down on him further each time, not satisfied with gravity alone. His other gripped my ass.

SMACK! The hand on my ass reached back and slapped me there. I gasped, not at all expecting that after how calm and regular our lovemaking had been just now. I smiled back at him; of course he knew I would let him do anything he wanted to me.

Drake grinned and I leaned over to let him play with my tits with his mouth, the heavy globes dangling tantalizingly in front of him. He smiled and started licking my nipples, switching between the two and moaning himself as I yelped in pleasure. His mouth was wonderful no matter where it landed on me. I couldn’t get enough of it.

I kept riding Drake like that, hunched over him to keep my breasts in his mouth, while he lifted me up and down on his cock, holding me above him every so often and not letting me lower myself further till I mewled in frustration.

“Lily,” he moaned, “oh Lily, you feel amazing.” My spirits soared, I loved hearing him talk like this. “I’m going to cum soon.”

“Mmm, yes, Drake, cum for me.” Just hearing me say that must have triggered something in him, because Drake came almost immediately, and I felt his cum filling the condom as his cock spasmed inside me. I went over the edge too, cumming for the third time in an hour.

I collapsed on top of him and felt his arms wrap around me. “Oh, Lily,” he whispered, “that was wonderful. You’re the best.”

We drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and Drake was gone, as I expected. I spent a little extra time in bed lying there and daydreaming about having him back here with me, running my hands over his strong muscles, trying to keep him close to me, enveloping me.

It was a nice morning. I hummed around my room, thinking about Drake. What I had thought originally to be a fling at training camp was starting to look like a lot more to me. Not only was I thinking about Drake’s body, but also how much I enjoyed being around him when we actually had clothes on.

It was…overwhelming, to say the least.

When I got to practice, though, things seemed a bit different. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it at first, but something was…off.

The weather was fine, it was sunny and warm as expected. The players were all accounted for, no one missing. None of those were the problem.

Yet it felt like there was a buzz around the complex, like something had changed. I tried to get a sense from talking to random people about it, but everyone just blanched and stepped away from me when it came up.

What was going on?

My heart sank. Did someone see Drake sneaking out of my room this morning? Shit, was that it? If that’s what had happened, I was fucked.

This would become a huge scandal and there was no way I would keep my job. Drake might get off with just a light reprimand, but as a journalist there was no way I should ever have gotten involved with the player I was covering.

Shit. What would my dad think?!

I needed to get to the bottom of this, but I couldn’t exactly disrupt practice and wave all the players down, and ask them what was going on. Nah, I had to find an inside source.

I found a staff member who I had talked to a couple times on background for the daily Drake Rollins stories and point blanked asked her what was going on, why was the facility buzzing like this?

“You mean you haven’t heard the rumor?”

“No,” I said, playing dumb for real, because for real I had no idea what was going on. “I haven’t heard the rumor, what is it?”

She stepped in close. “There’s a rumor going on that you slept with-“


“-Bill Thompson, to get your current job.”

Wait. WHAT?

I could feel the blood rushing through my ears, and it was tough to hear anything else around me for a few seconds.

“With Bill Thompson? Ew.”

“That’s what I thought when I heard it, but I couldn’t say that loud enough for some of these jackals. It’s not true, is it?”

“Of course not, never in a million years. I’d like to think if I was going to sleep my way into a job I’d have better taste, damn.”

“That’s what I thought!”

I thanked her and walked away. Shit, what was I going to do?

Then it hit me. I knew where this rumor came from.

It came from Annie Fucking Ross. It must have. This was exactly the kind of low down bull shit that Annie Ross would pull in order to get ahead.

Lucy Snow's books